A few more reviews!
The Midwest Book Review recently reviewed Volume Two and wrote the following:
"'Stargazer' is the second volume of graphic novels from Von Allan, following Elora and her two best friends Sophie and Marni as they journey to a tower, making friends with robots and other creatures who at first don't seem so friendly. Through friendship and their own creativity, they will have to see themselves back home for adventure and much more. A fine pick for younger readers who often have daydreams of their own, "Stargazer" is an excellent and much recommended pick, not to be overlooked."
The full review is over at http://midwestbookreview.com/sbw/jan_12.htm#Comix/GraphicNovel. You can also read their review of Volume 1 by visitng http://www.midwestbookreview.com/ibw/jul_10.htm#Comix/GraphicNovel
Marc Schuster recently reviewed each volume of Stargazer at Small Press Reviews. He writes:
"While Stargazer certainly evokes “little girl lost” tales a la Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz, Allan puts a new twist on the formula by sending three friends into the mysterious realm on the other side of the proverbial looking glass. In so doing, he gives his characters the opportunity to come of age even as they bump up against the limits of their friendship. In this sense, the graphic novel is a spiritual and emotional cousin to Stephen King’s “The Body” in that it’s as much about growing up as it is about exploring the unknown.
Overall, Stargazer is an excellent graphic novel by an artist whose talent is only rivaled by his heart. Perfect for readers of all ages, particularly those with a love for the fantastic."
The full review is at http://smallpressreviews.wordpress.com/2011/12/30/stargazer-vols-1-and-2/
I have to say I'm pretty pleased with both of these!
Additional reviews from a wide variety of sources can be found at http://stargazer.vonallan.com/2010/05/reviews-for-stargazer.html.